June 27, 2006

Be a Billionaire

It is always feels good to talk about billionaires. Here is a piece from
I am reproducing this to add some spice to your dreary student existence. May this open doors for you to be a future billionaire.

Be a billionaire

Last days, I saw the Forbes' rich list. It has always been wonderful to read about the successful juntas across the world. I explored web world to find out some facts and trivia about these billionaires. I picked names of the top 200 guys, and I couldn't stop my analytical skills to get something interesting facts that was unknown to me before. Maybe....some KPO juntas find me, processing knowledge here... Well, whatever, I'm posting few findings over here....

Facts behind Top 200 Richest People across the World
The findings are divided into 4 categories (no more, I guess).... Educational Background, Age group, Professions, and the source of Fortune.


I. Drop Outs
1. Total number is 17 (out of 200)
2. "Microsoft" rules...as its 2 founders and CEO, all 3 are dropouts.
3. 6 (from17) are from "IT industry" and have founded the best companies of silicon valley, viz-a-viz, Microsoft, Dell, Apple, and Oracle.
4. After IT, 5 are in "investments" and 4 have acquaintance with "media/entertainment" industry.
5. 5 were dropped out after studying high schools.

II. Study-Area
1). 25 ----- MBA (Master of Business Administration)
2). 101 ----- Bachelor's degree (Arts/Science)
3). 9 ----- Master of Science
4). 18 ----- Doctorate
5). 12 ----- High School
6). 1 ----- Medical Doctor

II. Study-Location

1). 77 have completed their education in "United States(US)"
2). 10 ----- Harvard University
3). 9 ----- Stanford University
4). 5 ----- Yale University
5). 4 ----- Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Texas-Austin
6). 3 ----- Columbia University; Princeton University


30-40 ----- 14
40-50 ----- 40*
50-60 ----- 26
60-70 ----- 43*
70-80 ----- 39
80-90 ----- 27
90+ ----- 5

I. Geographic Distribution
If we pick the list of top-200 and take the countries having more than 5 billionaires in the top-200 list---

Country ( Average Age ) #of Billionaire

Russia ( 46 ) 21

India ( 56 ) 8

Saudi Arabia ( 56 ) 8

Canada ( 58 ) 7

United States ( 65 ) 66

Japan ( 69 ) 7

Germany ( 70 ) 22

France ( 71 ) 6
Sweden ( 72 ) 5

Hong Kong ( 78 ) 8

---- The youngest breed of billionaires came from Russia. India, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and US are successors.
---- United States(66) has the largest number of billionaires. The others in the list are Germany(22) and Russia(21)
---- The software and technology industry has the lowest average age --- 53 yrs

II. Age below 50 and Professions
Total 53
Software and Technology 10
Oil/Gas 8
Mining/Lumber 6
Manufacturing 4
Finance, Diversified(each) 3
Investments, Pharmaceuticals(each) 2


Software & Technology 22
Retailing 19
Manufacturing 17
Media/Entertain 17
Oil/Gas 17
Finance 15
Real Estate 13
Investments 12
Diversified 12
Mining/Lumber 9
Pharmaceuticals 7
Food 6
Apparel 5
Service 5
Engineering/Construction 5
Beverages 4
Gambling /Leisure 4
Shipping/Transport 3
Communications 2

------ In the list of 21 Russian richest juntas, 9 are from Oil/Gas industry and 7 are from Mining industry
------ In the list of 22 richest juntas for Software & Technology industry, 13 are from US and 3 are from India


Self-made 117
Inherited & Growing 43
Inherited 40

------ Most self-made billionaires come from the age group of "Below 50" --- 43

Suggestions ........ 2 become a billionaire
Drop your education or make a situation to be dropped out....... and start a career in Software/ Technology or Investments....... and try to make acquaintance with media industry
Study in United State.
Do MBA....
Must complete your bachelor's degree
Go to Harvard/Stanford
If your age is below 50, you have more chances; otherwise you'll have to wait until 60..... if crossed 80 or 90... u r having least chance
Don't stare at the records and leave the plan to move Russia... all young juntas made money in the 90's
Young juntas move to India, Saudi Arabia, and Canada or US.........old juntas go to Japan, Germany, France, and Sweden.
Software & Technology industry has more chances ...... for young juntas and for gonna-be-self-made-billionaire-juntas
If u can find Time-machine somewhere, make sure u move to Russia, 15 years back, and being placed in oil/gas or mining industry.
Otherwise........be dropped out after your high schools
Never go to Denmark/Colombia and start Agriculture/Chemical company.....you'll have to wait until u become 90.

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