May 27, 2006

Application Mix

Application Mix
Ingredients of a good application

GPA is an important part of the admission selection process.However there are some other factors which are of equal significance:
1.Standardized Test Scores
2.GRE subject schools scores. As some high ranked schools require this.
5.Your extra curricular activities
6.Your Resume

Good is a very relative term.
The school that is good for you need not be good for some other student.
Selection of the right program should be one of the most important part of this process.
While selecting the program take into account the following factors not necessarily in the order presented :
1.Your interest - whether you want to go for research or theory programs.
2.Ranking and the reputation of the program.
3.Whether your credentials are compatible to the university requirements.
4.Costs of the program.Has the university reputation for offering financial help.
5. Have you found a professor who is willing to be your research mentor.
6. Location of the University.

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